July 24, 2010

Three out of four...

It's been two weeks since Cayenne and Poppy started laying, and today was Nutmeg's grand debut!  She began sitting in the nesting boxes off and on about mid morning.  She would go in and sit a while, go out and free range, go in and sit, go out....you get the picture. Then, a little after 2:00 p.m., Neal called to me and I rushed outside like a kid to check the nesting boxes.  There lay a small, magnificent masterpiece that Nutmeg had been working on for hours.

Her egg was darker in color than the other two, and when I put them together I noticed they were all a tad bit different in color.  That will make identifying eggs much easier!  From left to right we have the bounties of...Nutmeg, Cayenne and Poppy.  Hopefully, Ginger will catch on soon!


Danni said...

Awwwww...wonderful job, girls!
And who knew that brown could come in so many different shades?!! :-)

cousin Arnetta said...

Good for Nutmeg... I'm wondering if her egg will get larger as her "egg-factory" matures ?

AJ-OAKS said...

Yay for the girls!!! Good job!!
Pretty soon you are going to have so many eggs.

Razzberry Corner said...

Beautiful, huge eggs! They are huge compared to mine - I have bantam chickens, which all lay such small eggs!

Rising Rainbow said...


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