April 15, 2011

Captain comes home!

We picked up Captain yesterday from the vet hospital.  I was a little unsure of what we would see, but knew the head cone would be involved.  One of my friends calls it the "cone of shame".  Captain certainly seemed ashamed to be wearing it!

We promptly took the cone off and he perked up right away.  He was so excited to see us, he was grinning (or maybe it was the pain meds!).  The vet tech had told me on the phone that he wouldn't eat anything, not even canned food or treats.  So, I pulled out my mom tricks and presented him with a McDonald's plain hamburger.

He woofed it down in no time, then headed for the door.  He was ready to get out of there!  Neal made fun of his haircut and pink leg bandage while the vet tech and I talked about his aftercare and medications.

Neal lifted him into the car, then put an inflatable donut on him instead of the cumbersome cone of shame.  The donut will keep him from licking his incision site, but allows him a better visual field than the cone. He's not crazy about it, but I am sure he prefers the donut to the cone!

Once we got home, his buddy George greeted him, then spent some time laying beside him for moral support.  Captain ate his second hamburger and even shared a few bites with George and Nadia.  He settled in on his new orthopedic bed and Otis snuggled in on one corner.  I spent the night on the sofa with him on the floor.  I didn't sleep so well because I was worried about him, but he did great.  He didn't stir until about 6:30 a.m. when it was time for a potty break.  He is already putting weight on his operated leg and actually limps less than before the surgery!  We have a long road of rehab and recovery ahead, but I am encouraged by how well he is doing already.


Cousin Arnetta said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that Captain's surgery is over... and I'm sure you are too, but still sending best wishes for a successful recovery...
So the incision point is up high on his hip ? what about the pink bandage ? was that were an IV was ?
George looks pretty worried about his buddy... haha, I see Otis found a corner for himself...

Lilla said...

Thanks, Arnetta. The incision is actually on the inside his leg, around his knee area. They gave him an epidural, which is why his back was shaved. Yes, he had an IV drip, hence the pink bandage. George was very worried. He moped around, looking for his buddy while he was gone. We are all glad he is home now!

Lilla said...

oh, and...the patch on his hip is a slow-release pain med patch. He wears that for 5 days.

icebear said...

So glad to hear that things are going well for Captain!

C and C Antiques and Animals - What a Life! said...

Glad the surgery went well. I know what you mean about the cone of shame...they all seem to appear to be in shame when wearing it..

Sherri said...

I am glad to read that the surgery went well. I will continue to pray for all. I know you all need some rest. Take care!

Morning Bray Farm said...

Well done, Captain!

Oh, sweet boy... he must be so happy to be home.

Glad that all went well. :)

Anonymous said...

good healing to captain!

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Oh, what a sweet post. I've never seen the donut but that's a great idea!! Those cones are very humiliating, aren't they? Poor Captain. Glad he got a couple burgers to celebrate his return home.

littlekarstar said...

So glad that he's doing much better! His mates look happy to see him home, Im sure they're too polite to openly giggle at his decorative headwear! :)

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