February 13, 2011

Home for geriatric animals

Within the last couple of months, we have found out that two of our cats (Taco and Skittles) and one of our dogs (Nadia)  have diabetes.  Taco and Nadia must have twice-daily insulin injections.  Skittles is so feral that there is no way to medicate him, but he seems to be suffering the least of the three.  In addition to that, Captain D has a slight tear on his ACL (knee ligament) and if it worsens, we may be looking at surgery. And another of our cats (Bandit) has a urinary tract infection.  It feels like a black cloud has been hanging over our house recently! I was at the vet clinic three days this week and our checking account shrunk considerably. With all the animals that we have, and most of them now geriatric, we knew this would eventually happen.  When our vet told me about a client who has three dogs, all in terminal stages from one disease or another, our situation didn't seem so bad.  We love our critters and have vowed to take the best care of them that we possibly can for the time that they are with us, but having pets is a huge responsibility...time-wise and money-wise.  And honestly, sometimes it gets to be overwhelming.  But, given the immense joy and entertainment they bring into our lives, we think it's a fair trade. 

As for The Interloper, it appears he has moved on.  We haven't seen him again, so I am hoping he went back to his rightful home....and to the vet for a neuter!


LiveWorkDream said...

Oh girl, that's ruff, I'm so sorry.

If a doc says he needs the ACL surgery, please don't do it. There are so many bone cancer cases that result after it happens, I can point you to tons of stories. Your money will be far better spent with rehab therapy. ACL surgery is a moneymaker and it's baaaaad for dawgs. Quite inhumane too, the way it's done. Talk to me before you decide if it goes that far (hope not) OK?

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Our animals are just like children and it hurts when they become ill. We have spent a fortune in vet bills over the years, but as you said the joy they bring is worth it.

I hope your babies improve. They are so lucky to have you as parents.

cousin Arnetta said...

I feel bad for your babies, but how do cats develop diabetes ? too many chocolate kisses ?

Lilla said...

Thanks for the info, Rene. We don't want to do surgery. Looking into taking Captain to hydrotherapy once a week. That should be fun...and less expensive!

SVB...yes, they are like our children. I don't want to even calculate how much we've spent on them over the years! I know we're helping to send our vets' children to college, that's for sure!

Arnetta...cats and dogs can get diabetes just like people. The cats, actually, are easier to manage than dogs due to the type of insulin that is available for them. I'm learning a lot on this journey!

Morning Bray Farm said...

We're thinking positive thoughts for you Lilla.

Lilla said...

Thanks, Justina! We'll take all the positive thoughts we can get!

PawPurrry said...

This is so sad....but I am with you....3 of my last 5 dogs have all been senior dog adoptions and with that comes the tending to their geriatric needs but I wouldn't change it for the world....I love them all...and I know your pack is thrilled to be with you.

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