but, I have some equipment for their playground! I found these giant cable spools on Craigslist, free for the hauling. One is 6 ft across, the other is 5 ft. They will make great goat-climbing and perching spots, or nice picnic tables...very LARGE picnic tables! When we saw just how big they really were, I told Neal we only needed to get one, but he insisted on two. He loaded them both by himself and drove them to The Ranch.
I remember playing on some of these at Holly's as a kid. They were great fun.
I love your new squirrel header!! Those spools are wonderful, aren't they? My uncles were shrimpers and those big spools held thick wire they used on the shrimp boats. My grandmother's yard was full of them. She used them to hold all her beautiful flowers in potted plants. Just seeing them again brings back very nice memories. Can't wait to see what you end up doing with them - maybe it will include a goat or two ;-)
Susie, I don't remember spools at Holly's house, but I do remember lots of fun memories from playing outside on other gym-like equipment. Fun times!
Penny, thought it was time to change my blog header. Glad you like the pic of Mama squirrel. I never thought of shrimpers using those big spools, but it makes perfect sense. Your grandmother's use for them has given me another idea...thanks! All these ideas means I might have to get more spools!
i have always liked these big spools :)
That's a great close-up of mama squirrel you made !
I like your spools too... and your future goats will love them ... maybe some of the mountain goats in your area will come play on them :-)
Daune, the spools are fun, aren't they? And, so many uses for them. Talk about recycling at its best!
Arnetta, mama squirrel is very photogenic for sure, especially when there's a peanut in hand! Haven't seen any mountain goats around the area of our Ranch property, but you never know. This IS Colorado after all!
Great find on the spools! I have a friend who has been looking for some of those for her little goats.
They would love climbing all over those...or sleeping...or jumping....or...
Marcee...those spools are a great find! Tell your friend to check with utility and cable companies or keep her eyes on Craigslist. I am sure there is someone in her area who has some just lying around taking up space. The goats will love them!
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