Last week when I met my friend Susie for lunch, she brought along something for me that once belonged to her mother, then her sister. When we were kids, Susie's mom grew African violets, a fact I hadn't thought about in 30 years, but one so vivid to me now.
Susie is one of the handful of people who read my blog, so she was aware of my attempts at planting heirloom seeds and my obsessiveness with gardening this season. So when Susie's sister was cleaning out and decided to get rid of one particular item, Susie thought of me. And this novice gardener could not have been more thrilled to be offered something so spectacular, so generous, so useful....her mother's plant stand, equipped with fluorescent lights! I am simply tickled pink (and not because that is the color of the room - not my choice, by the way!). We were able to get all of our seedlings on two shelves and still have one shelf left to fill...

or seems that lower shelf is just too tempting for those of the feline persuasion. That's OK, as long as they leave my top two shelves alone, they can lounge all they want on the bottom one. To show you just how big this plant stand is, I asked my lovely husband who is 6'2" to stand beside it. Oh, and it has wheels for ease of mobility. And removeable shelves for ease of cleaning. And the option to use fluorescent light bulbs or regular light bulbs. And it is just perfect. Who knows, maybe one day I'll try my hand at growing African violets. The plant stand definitely has good karma from good friends. Thanks Susie and family!
Oh my, what a wonderful gift. I just know you are going to get a lot of use out of it. Definitely try african violets. I have three that bloom almost continuously and look pretty. I have them sitting on a bookcase in front of a west facing window and give each one small cup of water per week. That's the extent of their care.
That is a fantastic gift. You are going to love that. That was very nice.
Yes, a fantastic gift indeed and I do love it!
I thought African violets were very fragile and required special care, but maybe I had them confused with something else...
what a perfect time for a gift like this to come into your life!
Daune, how right you are. Isn't it neat how the things you need the most come along at times when you least expect them?
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