As I mentioned earlier, I spent several days last week at an animal sanctuary called The Kindness Ranch. Their mission is to rescue and rehabilitate animals formerly used in research and to provide them with safe and secure homes for the rest of their lives. I found out about The Kindness Ranch through a mail out they recently distributed, and I became intrigued with their mission and their concept of housing the domestic animals in a home-like environment in energy efficient wood yurts. Currently, the sanctuary houses 4 horses, 8 dogs, 5 pigs and 18 cats, with plans to take in more as funds and staffing allow. While I was there, they were finalizing the plans for bringing in 8 lambs who were, fortunately, being released to the sanctuary instead of going to auction.
Cat Yurt
The sanctuary is less than two years old, but already they have managed to build a fabulous establishment on approximately 700 acres of rural Wyoming land - all totally financed by the group's founder, David Groobman. David, who is from Colorado, searched for the right piece of property for over four years before finding what he wanted in Wyoming. It really is an ideal place for an animal sanctuary. The cats and dogs have their own homey yurts, fully furnished and equipped with the comforts of home, as well as huge outdoor enclosures. The pigs and horses have a fabulous, heated barn and plenty of pasture land to roam at their leisure. There is lots of room for expansion, both for people and animals, and the sanctuary's new director and ranch manager have many fantastic ideas for growth and fundraising.
I had a wonderful time during my stay at the ranch, and got really attached to the animals. Even though I have a house full of critters here in Colorado, I felt a twinge of sadness at having to leave my new friends behind. Feeding the pigs and brushing the horses were my favorite activities - probably because I've always felt like a farm girl at heart! If you're an animal lover and are looking for a fun way to spend a few days in southeast Wyoming, check out The Kindness Ranch. The beautiful guest yurts, sunsets, shooting stars and wagging tails make the journey getting there worth the time.
That place looks so neat, and it's on our way north from Denver. We are definitely going to stop there. Thanks for the info.
P.S. the 2nd link to the Ranch is bad.
Rene and Jim,
I think I've fixed the link error. Thanks for noticing that. If you guys do make plans to go to the Ranch, please let us know so we can plan to meet you there. You would have an awesome time and it would be so great to finally meet you!
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